Fort lauderdale, Florida
Weather Advisories |
Warning Date: 8:03 PM EST on January 16, 2010 |
Warning Description: Coastal Flood Statement |
Advisory Text... |
Weather Map |
Almanac |
7:08am |
8:29am |
Moon Phase:
2% |
5:51pm |
8:06pm |
Chart... |
Totals |
Hourly Rain |
0.00 in |
Daily Rain: |
0.00 in |
Monthly Rain: |
59.79 in |
Yearly Rain: |
59.80 in |
Normal Rain, month
to date: |
0.00 in |
Normal Rain, year
to date: |
0.00 in |
Local Weather Exchange®
Full Advisory Text
Warning Description: Coastal Flood Statement
Warning Date: 8:03 PM EST on January 16, 2010
Warning Message:Very strong south-southeasterly winds of 15 to 25 mph will persist
along the Atlantic coast beaches of South Florida overnight.
This will result in a continuation of the high threat for rip
currents along the beaches of Palm Beach...Broward...and Miami-
Dade counties.
Precautionary/preparedness actions...
A rip current is a 10 to 30 yard wide channel of water that can
pull even a strong swimmer from near or inside The Sand Bar into
deeper water. Due to the life threatening dangers that these
strong currents of water pose...swimming is not advised.
If you do go into the waters...swim at guarded beaches and heed
the advice of the beach patrol. If caught in the seaward pull of
a rip current do not attempt to move directly toward shore.
Instead...move sideways across the rip current until the pull
An alternate method of escape is to let the rip current pull you
seaward 50 to 100 yards...where the force weakens...and then
swim toward the beach at an angle away from the current.